Thank-you for your interest in our products. The following is a text only brochure for e-mail distribution. HIDDEN IMAGE ------------ Thank-you for your interest in our image processing software, Hidden Image. I have included a text only copy of our brochure which outlines the main features of the package. The focus of our software is the deconvolution of a known point spread function (PSF) from an image using the maximum entropy method. The algorithm used is loosely based on the Cambridge algorithm pioneered by Dr. John Skilling in the UK. Although the focus is maximum entropy deconvolution, many other image processing functions of interest to astronomers are included as detailed in the brochure. The maximum entropy method is complex and usually difficult to use. Hidden Image is unique in that it shields the user from the intricacies of the required parameters via a carefully designed user interface which is targeted towards novice users. The user interface is DOS-based but Windows-like being mouse driven with pop-down menus and dialog boxes. For example one way of defining a PSF is by using the mouse to select a star by placing a box over the star and clicking. All required conditioning of the PSF is transparent to the user. If a more sophisticated user requires tighter control of the PSF, that is possible via user defined PSF's and analytical models. One trial of our software was conducted using freshmen students at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Even students with limited previous computer experience were able to successfully use the package following the tutorial provided. An example of the processing results can be found on page 4 of the August issue of Astronomy Magazine (20th Anniversary issue opposite the table of contents). This image was taken using an ST-6 camera with an RGB / IR filter wheel. An exposures was made with each filter and the resulting images where deconvolved and histogram equalized using Hidden Image. Each gray-scale image was saved as a TIFF file and combined into a 24-bit color image using Aldus PhotoStyler. Please note the magazine reproduction does not do full justice to the image but does show the capabilities of our software. A review of Hidden Image appeared in the April issue of Astronomy Magazine in the Astro Bytes section where David Bruning states "Good images become stunning ones". The potential for this software extends well beyond the field of amateur and professional astronomy. To date, 20% of our orders are coming from people who wish to apply the package to other forms of imagery such as medical imagery (microscopy) and terrestrial uses (surveillance). Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information. _______________________________________________________________________________ Double the Effective Resolution of Your CCD Images With Hidden Image -------------------------------------------------------------------- "Now for the first time, using Hidden Image , I am completely satisfied with my deep sky photography. " - Jack Newton Tired of blurry CCD images? So was NASA, which is why they use Maximum Entropy Deconvolution to restore images from the Hubble Space Telescope. Astronomers at Kitt Peak use this technique to reduce seeing effects on the four meter telescope. Now you can also use this advanced technology to improve your CCD images. Hidden Image can extract the stunning detail hidden in your CCD images. Using all of the 32-bit power of your 386/387 or 486DX computer, you can now use one of the most sophisticated image processing algorithms ever created! Hidden Image Features: ----------------------- Elegant User Interface - mouse-driven with pop-down menus and dialog boxes. Hidden Image makes sophisticated image processing techniques available even to the novice user. The user interface was designed by astronomers for astronomers. Features of User Interface include: Photo View Mode - full screen with interpolation for taking pictures of the computer monitor. Automatic Stretch Modes - instantly view images with automatically calculated contrast adjustment. Night Vision Mode - for using Hidden Image at the telescope; includes mouse-only operating mode - no keyboard required! Two Image Frames - allows displaying of "before" and "after" images for direct comparison. Histograms - each displayed image can have an associated histogram. Mouse-controlled cursors on the histogram allow the user to change the stretching and gamma correction of the display. Maximum Entropy Deconvolution - a sophisticated "de-blurring" technique capable of reducing seeing effects, guiding errors, and optical aberrations. Because Maximum Entropy is a processing-intensive function, the core processing algorithms were carefully hand-coded to provide the maximum possible speed on Intel processors. MaxEnt Setup Tools - Maximum Entropy Deconvolution requires a "point-spread function" and noise estimate in order to work correctly. Several easy-to-use tools are provided for extracting this information directly from your image: Point-Spread Functions - extract a star image to tell Hidden Image how the image was blurred; just point and click! Or use an "analytical" point-spread function. Hidden Image will also allow you to graphically match an analytic function to the shape of an extracted star image. Noise Estimate - extract a noise estimate by pointing a box cursor at a dark area of the image with the mouse. Deconvolution Ringing Removal - removes ringing around stars. Image Calibration - calibrate CCD images using Bias Frame, Dark Frame and Flat Field compensation. FFT Filtering - variable cutoff and order lowpass, highpass, and bandpass filters. Much more sophisticated than common "kernel" filters - uses a "Butterworth" filter shape for superior results. Cosmic Ray Removal - removes ugly cosmic ray bright spots from your image. Dead Pixel Removal - removes CCD array defects. Automatic Photon/ADU Calculation. Histogram Equalization - overcomes the limitations of your computer display to give stunning images of galaxies and other deep sky objects. Allows viewing the full dynamic range of an image without losing contrast. Gamma Correction - a popular form of non-linear contrast adjustment. Gamma is controlled graphically or numerically. Unsharp Masking - suppresses large-scale brightness variations while preserving low-contrast details. Perfect for displaying planetary images. Median Filtering - suppress spiky noise. Stretching - allows graphical or numerical control of the brightness and contrast of the display, without affect the actual stored image. Hidden Image also allows you to permanently stretch an image; this is useful for generating optimized TIFF files for exporting to other applications. Sum and Offset - Add, subtract, and scale images for special effects. Image Combination - Combine multiple CCD exposures while adjusting the registration to permit unguided long duration imaging. Provides a computer- assisted registration function to align the images. Statistical Information - User can extract statistical information on an area of the image using a box-shaped cursor. Information includes mean and standard deviation, maximum and minimum values, and the X and Y centroid of a star in the box. Measurements - User can read the pixel value of any point in the image using a cross-hair cursor. Image Frame Sizes - Hidden Image can extract a 128x128, 256x256, 512x256, 512x512, 1024x512 or 1024x1024 (version dependant) size frame from any sized image (larger or smaller). Video Modes - Supports 320x200, 640x400, 640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768 VGA and Super-VGA video modes. Display is in 256 colors in all modes (16 color mode is also supported in 640x480). User Manual Hidden Image includes a comprehensive user manual which goes beyond the operation of the package. The manual is geared towards both the novice and advanced user. The combination of sections on processing tutorials and processing tips and tricks allow novice users to achieve professional results. The Tips and Tricks section includes recommendations on which processing functions to use in different situations, and why. Examples show how the various functions affect the appearance of the image. Other sections geared to the advanced user even include detailed mathematical descriptions of the maximum entropy deconvolution algorithm. These advanced sections are in no way required for the novice user to operate the program. File Formats - The following file formats are supported: TIFF Full version 5 standard for 8 and 16-bit images (Meade Pictor). This format is suitable for import into most applications including Microsoft Word, Aldus Photostyler, and Adobe Photo Shop. FITS Fully supports the Draft FITS Standard NOST 100-0.3b, including 8, 16, and 32-bit integer and IEEE floating point formats. This standard is widely used for astronomical imaging. ST-8, ST-7, ST-6, ST-5 Supports all Type 2 and Type 3 of the Santa Barbara Instruments Group file formats for read. Writes SBIG type III (ST-6 etc) file format. ST-4, ST-4X Supports Santa Barbara Instruments Group ST-4 file format. Electrim Supports the Electrim TIFF file variation, including interlaced mode, for both read and write. PC-Lynxx Supports SpectraSource PC-Lynxx camera file format for read and write. Raw Integer Reads and writes arbitrary-sized integer images in 8, 16 and 32-bit formats. Raw IEEE FP Reads and writes arbitrary-sized IEEE floating point images. Make Square Pixels - Hidden Image can optionally interpolate images to make square pixels from imagers with non-square physical pixels. Hardware Requirements --------------------- Hidden Image requires a PC-compatible computer with one of the following processors: Processor Notes i386SX or DX Requires 387 math coprocessor i486SX Requires 487 math coprocessor i486DX Pentium Memory required depends on the image size being processed. Hidden Image is able to use the hard drive in place of system memory; however a significant speed penalty may result. Recommended memory configuration is as follows: Frame Size Minimum Recommended* 128x128 4 MB 4 MB 256x256 4 MB 4 MB 512x256 4 MB 8 MB 512x512 8 MB 16 MB 1024x512 16 MB 32 MB 1024x1024 16 MB 64 MB * Hard drive free space plus system memory must equal at least the recommended size. This means that 4 MB of memory is recommended for use with PC-Lynxx, ST-4 and Electrim cameras. For ST-6 cameras, 8 MB of memory is recommended for processing a full-sized image. A mouse is required to operate Hidden Image . Supports standard VGA displays at 320x200 256-color and 640x480 16-color. This provides maximum compatibility with laptop computers. Supports the following Super-VGA cards using an included universal VESA driver: - ATI Technologies 18800, 28800 - Ahead A & B - Chips & Technologies 82c451/452/453 - Everex - Genoa Systems GVGA - OAK Technologies OTI-037C, OTI-067, OTI-077 - Paradise PVGA1A, WD90C00/10/11/30/31 - Trident 88/8900 - Video7 V7VGA versions 1-5 - Tseng Labs ET3000, ET4000 - AcuMos AVGA2 - S3 86c911/924/801/806/928 - Advance Logic AL2101 SuperVGA - MXIC 86010 SuperVGA - Primus 2000 SuperVGA - RealTek 3106 SuperVGA - Cirrus CL-GD 5422 SuperVGA All ATI cards are supported without drivers. Other VESA-compatible cards may also be used. The following 256-color Super-VGA modes are available depending on the video card used: 640x400, 640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768. Versions Available ------------------ There are three versions of Hidden Image available. HI-256 - This full version allows frame sizes up to 256x256, and includes complete support for SBIG, Meade, PC-Lynxx, Electrim, Raw, TIFF and FITS file formats. In addition support can be provided for the Starlite Express and other formats upon request. HI-512 - Supports frame sizes up to 512 x 512. HI-1024 - Supports frame sizes up to 1024 x 1024. HI-256 $299 ($US) ($400 CDN) HI-512 $399 ($US) ($535 CDN) Note: Price of HI-512 reduced to $199 for internet users until July 15 95. HI-1024 $499 ($US) ($670 CDN) Shipping/Handling $15 ($30 overseas air) Canadian Residents Please Include 7% GST Ontario Residents Please Include 8% PST For North America Payment should be by Personal Check or U.S.$ Money Order Overseas Payment should be via U.S.$ Internatinal Money Order Payable to Sehgal Corporation (Sorry, we do not accept VISA or MC) Purchase Orders accepted from government institutions and major universities Please allow 4 weeks for delivery (next day FEDEX $40.00 within North America) Prices may vary in Japan. Japanese customers please contact our distributer for prices Interdigital Dai-3 Matsuya Building 2-14, 1-Chome Uehonmachi-Nishsi, Chuo-ku Osaka, Japan Tel: 06-763-2596 FAX: 06-765-7963 German/Swiss/Austrian customers please contact our distributer: Baader Planetarium Zur Sternwarte 82291 Mammendorf Germany Attn: Mr. Thomas Baader Tel: 49 82 458802 FAX: 49 81 459805 Mail To: Canada 1776 Windflower Way, Gloucester, Ontario K1C 5Y9 Inquiries / Support: Telephone: (613) 794-1134 Fax: (613) 837-3011 Internet: Note: For photographic examples of Hidden Image please see the Meade ads in the July 95 Astronomy Magazine. All of the Jack Newton images are processed with HI.